So you’ve arrived in the Gold Coast, checked in, unpacked, visited the gym and checked out the pool (right?) now what? I was planning which sessions to attend over the next few days and thought it would be a good idea write a post about it.
Firstly, I would definitely recommend that you get to registration as soon as possible to avoid the rush! Registration will be open until 9pm tonight and then again from 7am tomorrow morning. Once registered you can also pick up your HP Mini Notebook (of course I am writing this post on it!), there is an “unpacking area” in the convention centre if you would like to dispose of the box and packaging.
There is a welcome reception at the exhibition hall betweenn 6pm and 9pm and the opening keynote is tomorrow at 08:15am. All this info is in the mini-guide.
As far as sessions go, here are some of the ones I am looking forward to attending:
09:45am – 11:00am UNC201 - Introduction to Exchange 2010 with Johann Kruse and Roger Lawrence
11:30am – 12:45pm UNC302 - Exchange 2010 Architecture with Scott Schnoll
08:15am – 09:30am UNC305 - Exchange 2010 Voicemail with Mario D'Silva
5:00pm – 6:15pm UNC309 - OCS 2007 R2: Overview & Architecture with Derrick Buckley and Craig Pringle
08:15am – 09:30am SEC310 - IAG... the success story with Jean-Pierre Simonis
11:30am – 12:45pm – UNC311 - Telephony in OCS R2 with Brendan Carius and John Smith
There are of course other events going on, one of which is Sydney UC and Melbourne OCS User Group get together on Thursday. click here for more info
Cant make it to tech-ed this year? no need for tears… many sessions are available on live meeting, click here for more info
and finally, yes, of course I will be tweeting all week! be sure to follow me on twitter!