Exchange 2010 Server editions

About a month ago I wrote a short post about how customers using Exchange 2010 are also able to make use of DAG’s for high availability provided that they are using Windows Server 2008 Enterprise edition.

The first question that then comes to mind is: “Why would I need Exchange 2010 Enterprise edition then?”. Standard edition is designed for the mailbox needs of small to medium organizations and is also appropriate for non-mailbox roles in a larger Exchange deployment while Enterprise edition is ideal for larger organizations that may require a greater number of mailbox databases.

The following table provides a feature breakdown for each server edition of Exchange Server 2010:

Feature Standard edition Enterprise edition
Mailbox Databases 1 – 5 databases 6 – 100 databases
Role based access & control Yes Yes
Transport resiliency Yes Yes
Remote powershell Yes Yes
Online move mailbox Yes Yes
Web-based administration Yes Yes
Mailbox resiliency Yes Yes