Exchange Server Pre-Deployment Analyzer (ExPDA)

Microsoft recently released the Exchange Pre-Deployment Analyzer. The Exchange Pre-Deployment Analyzer performs an overall topology readiness scan of your environment. When you run the Exchange Pre-Deployment Analyzer, it provides a detailed report that will alert you if there are any issues within your organization, which could prevent you from deploying Exchange 2010.

The checks performed by ExPDA are similar to the pre-requisite checks implemented (ExBPA) in the Exchange 2010 Setup program. However, unlike Exchange 2010 setup, this tool focuses only on overall topology readiness and not the ability to run Exchange 2010 on the local computer. The scan also performs a deep analysis of each existing Exchange 2003/2007 server to verify that it has the necessary updates and configuration in-place to support Exchange 2010.


For more information about the Exchange Pre-Deployment Analyzer (ExPDA), visit The Microsoft Exchange Team blog here

To download ExPDA, click here