The Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculators have recently been updated. If you use either of these tools often, you’ll no doubt appreciate how much effort must to into keeping them updated.
Apart from some bug fixes, there have been a few enhancements too, for the Exchange 2010 calculator, these include:
- Added two new columns to the primary datacenter “Active Database Configuration / DAG” table. These columns now expose the total number of databases activated in each site after server failure events. This change was added to expose cross-site database failover events.
- The calculator now includes an option to activation block secondary datacenter mailbox servers that host HA database copies. This allows you to design a solution where you can activate the secondary datacenter in the event of a primary datacenter failure mode, or choose to activate a copy in the secondary datacenter manually, but prohibits Active Manager from automatically activating a copy in the secondary datacenter.
- Added support for 32-cores.
For detailed information on these and other enhancements, see the following links:
- Updates to the Exchange 2007 Mailbox Server Role Storage Requirements Calculator
- Updates to the Exchange 2010 Mailbox Server Role Requirements Calculator
To download the revised version, click here for Exchange 2007 and here for Exchange 2010