This one is slightly off topic, but I thought I would share it nonetheless. I recently came across a post about someone who upgraded through every version of Windows from 1.0 to 7.
What is truly impressive about this is that there is some 20 years of application compatibility to be witnessed. Here is the very impressive video:
The first thing I noticed when I watched this was that the author never installed Windows ME. I have since found his “FAQ”:
1) Why Didn't you Install ME?
Since Windows ME cannot be upgraded to 2000, I chose to install 2000 straight from 98 as it was chronologically the next release. I might do an "alternate history" version to see what going from 98 to ME to XP looks like.
2) Did Doom 2 and Monkey Island work in Windows 7?
Yes. Sorry I didn't point that out explicitly in the video.
3) Can you do the same thing with Mac OS?
I don't know enough about Mac OS to be able to say, and I would not be the best person to do that experiment as I have never been a Mac user.
4) Where are you from?