Discover and import .pst files into Exchange Server or Exchange Online

The Microsoft Exchange team recently released Microsoft Exchange PST Capture which allows you to search for .pst files on computers in your organization and then import those files to mailboxes in both on-premises Exchange servers and Exchange Online.


PST Capture was initially developed by ISV partner, Red Gate, and was recently acquired by Microsoft. After some further development and testing, it can now be downloaded for free here. PST Capture is comprised of the following components:

  • PST Capture Central Service: The Central Service maintains the list of all PST files found in your organization and manages the data as it’s moved to the Exchange servers or Exchange Online.
  • PST Capture Agent: Discovery of the PST files is performed by PST Capture agents that are installed on computers in your organization. The agents also send the PST files they find to the host computer when an import operation is started on the PST Capture Console.
  • PST Capture Console: The PST Capture Console is the interface you use to configure PST searches, specify the target mailboxes for PST files, and track the status of PST import operations and reports. You can also use the console to import PST files stored on network attached storage (NAS) devices, on which you can’t install PST agents.



For more information on Microsoft Exchange PST Capture see this TechNet article

To download Microsoft Exchange PST Capture click here