Since starting this blog in 2008, I have been using Google Feedburner to publish my RSS feeds and enable 'subscribe by email' functionality. At the time it was a great platform and it provided many benefits, but after nearly 9 years that is no longer the case.
Feedburner has been pretty stagnant since 2012 and I have recently started to notice RSS validation errors in my feed which in-turn cause issues with some of the current and planned integrations I have running on the blog. Over the next month, I will be making some changes to the way RSS feeds work on the blog. I will not remove RSS feeds entirely but will be transitioning them from Feedburner.
My analytics data shows that I do have a bunch of subscribers using RSS and email and I do expect the transition to be fairly smooth. Unfortunately, those subscribing via email will need to resubscribe once the transition is done - I figure that an 'opt-in' strategy would be best in this instance. All in all, I'm hoping for minimal disruption.
TLDR; I will continue to offer RSS feeds, but some upcoming changes may mean that you need to resubscribe.