MigrationPermanentException: The target mailbox doesn't have an SMTP proxy matching 'company.mail.onmicrosoft.com'.

One of the most common error message I find when performing mailbox moves to Office 365 – Exchange Online is the “MigrationPermanentException: The target mailbox doesn't have an SMTP proxy matching 'company.mail.onmicrosoft.com'.error:


The error message is pretty descriptive and is caused when the mailbox being moved doesn’t have a proxy address that matches the routing domain. In an Exchange hybrid deployment, the hybrid configuration wizard updates the on-premises email address policies to ensure that all mailboxes have the relevant SMTP proxy address added. This should work fine except in instances when for whatever reason a mailbox or group of mailboxes are not being updated by an email address policy. Typically because the “Automatically update email addresses based on the email address policy applied to this recipient” has been manually removed:


There are a couple of ways to fix this, you could just enable the email address policy for those particular mailboxes, but the risk with that option is that it may have been removed for a particular reason. Email address policies are additive only, so while an email address policy will not remove or overwrite an email address, it may change the default SMTP address.

Or, you may want to simply add the relevant SMTP proxy address for those mailboxes, this can easily be done via PowerShell. I have published a PowerShell script to simplify this process, check it out on the TechNet Gallery.

My session at SharePoint Conference.ORG 2014

I had a great time attending and presenting at SharePoint Conference.ORG yesterday. I really enjoyed the great mixture of business, user experience and technical sessions. I presented a “Getting started with Office 365” session and as promised I am making my slide deck available.


[slideshare id=40574145&doc=gettingstartedwithoffice365-141021225449-conversion-gate01]

Slides also available on slideshare

For more information about SharePoint Conference .ORG check out http://www.sharepointconference.org/ or on twitter: @SPC_ORG

Script: Connect-EXO.ps1 - Connect to Exchange Online using remote PowerShell

I recently came across an old script I wrote to simplify connecting to Exchange Online using remote PowerShell and thought I’d polish it up a little and release it in case it could help make life easier for someone else.

This page will be updated whenever new features are added to the script..

This script features a GUI that will prompt for your tenant credentials and then connect to various Office 365 services using remote PowerShell. The current version of the script allows connectivity to:

  • Exchange Online
  • Azure Active Directory
  • Office 365 Security & Compliance Center 

The script will work natively in PowerShell 2.0+

There are no parameters or switches, simply execute the script:


Execution Policy:
The script has been digitally signed and will run just fine under a "RemoteSigned" execution policy.




I have published it to the TechNet Gallery, it can be downloaded by clicking here...

Do you have a pre-Exchange 2013 SP1 Hybrid or are you using free/busy federation? Update your Federation Trust on Sept 23!

If your organization has an Exchange Hybrid deployment that is not running on Exchange 2013 SP1 or later you may want pay attention. On September 23, 2014, Microsoft will be making a certificate change to the Microsoft Federation Gateway which could affect you.

This change could also impact those who are sharing free/busy information between two different on-premises organizations. If you are already running Exchange 2013 SP1 then you are in luck as this task will be automated for you and you are not required to take any action. For those using older versions of Exchange, it is very important that you update your Federation Trust as failing to do so will result in loss of free/busy and mailtip functionality. Microsoft released the following post that provides more information as well as the recommended actions that should be taken, I strongly recommend paying attention to this if you are not on the latest version of Exchange 2013.

Office 365 Workstation Readiness

As cloud services and Office 365 in general continue to gain popularity, I find myself talking to more and more organizations who are looking to make use of these services. One of the challenges I come up against most often is the issue of workstation readiness and how many organizations tend to overlook the importance or simply glance over that section in the enablement plan. One of the great things about Microsoft Online Services is the rapid innovation and how quickly new features and brought to market. Unfortunately this also seems to catch many organizations off-guard.

I’m sure we can all agree that a workstation refresh project for even a small customer is a big undertaking and I’ve seen many Office 365 projects stall for a very long time due to workstation readiness and/or workstation refresh projects. As always, a thorough analysis and due diligence is required to ensure that all workstations in the fleet meet the published minimum requirements in order to ensure the best possible user experience. I’ve seen a whole lot of old and out of date information floating around so I thought I would put together a quick post to spell out the current requirements. In the past, there was a complex table that listed specific updates required by specific software versions and due dates, but thankfully Microsoft has recently simplified this list. In order to provide the best user experience, Office 365 is designed to work with:

  • The current or immediately previous version of Internet Explorer or Firefox, or the latest version of Chrome or Safari.
  • Any version of Microsoft Office in mainstream support.

The above list and additional information is published here. Using this guidance, the current workstation readiness requirements are:

  • Internet Explorer 10 or 11 (The current or immediately previous version of Firefox, or the latest version of Chrome or Safari -  I never keep track of those because they change so frequently!)
  • Microsoft Office 2010 or 2013

Still using Internet Explorer 8 or 9? How about Microsoft Office 2007? These versions are no longer officially supported by Microsoft and although Microsoft does not recommend using these older browsers and clients, the service won’t deliberately prevent these browsers and clients from connecting, but the user experience cannot be guaranteed in the longer term.

I am a firm believer that projects fail because of end-user perception, if users have a degraded experience they are likely to overlook all the cool new features and functionality you are providing. No matter how quickly you can pilot, deploy and migrate to Office 365, I strongly suggest spending some time analyzing your current workstation fleet to to ensure that your users have the best possible user experience.

Microsoft Office 365 MVP!

Today was a good day! It stared out in Music City – Nashville, Tennessee, I went for an early morning run and was getting ready to kick-off my first project since relocating to the U.S a few weeks ago when, just after 8am I received an email informing me that I had been presented with a 2014 Microsoft MVP Award for my contribution to Office 365 technical communities during the past year.

I am extremely honoured to receive this award and join the MVP community, a community which I have long respected and admired.


Thanks to everyone reading my blog for all your comments and to everyone interacting on social media and in person at conferences and events. I look forward to continued contribution and to sharing my passion with you all.

Online Migration Tools - Comparing MigrationWiz and Dell On Demand Migration

I recently needed to migrate my own personal Office 365 tenant to another Office 365 tenant and even though I only have a few fairly small mailboxes, I decided to use online migration tools to ease the migration and I thought it would be a good idea to put together a little comparison between two of the leading solutions, MigrationWiz and Dell (formerly Quest) On Demand Migration.

The truth is, migration tools aren’t new and many of today’s players in this market have been around for a some time. Cloud adoption however has driven innovation in the market and migration toolsets have changed in recent years. Online migration tools allow organizations to migrate their data between email platforms without having to install or maintain any migration software on-premises. From an IT professional perspective, the configuration is far simpler and because you are typically using a web browser to initiate and manage the migration you are now free to do it from wherever you want (the train in my case!) using whatever device you have available. At a high level, it is a fairly simple process which typically involves the configuration of source and destination connectors (with all the required permissions of course) and the solution will extract, convert and ingest your data for you. If either your source or target mail infrastructure is located on-premises, you would need to ensure that remote connectivity is correctly configured as well.

For this comparison, I used exactly the same source mailbox and migrated the content to two new target mailboxes (one for each tool) in a new Office 365 tenant. Both tenants (source and destination) were located in North America and the migrations did not run simultaneously. The source mailbox contained the following:

  • Number of folders = 38
  • Number of items = 26255
  • Total mailbox size = ~1.94 GB


Introduction and features:

MigrationWiz has been around for a few years now and was the first online migration tool I used. I have successfully used MigrationWiz several times and migrated users from Domino/Lotus Notes and Exchange to Exchange or Office 365/Exchange Online. One of the great things about MigrationWiz is the amount of supported source and target platforms.

Supported sources

Supported targets

Amazon S3
Google Apps/Gmail
Microsoft Exchange (2003+)
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 China
Novell GroupWise
VMware Zimbra Server
IBM Lotus Notes

Amazon S3
Google Apps/Gmail
Microsoft Exchange (2007+)
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Office 365 China

For more detailed information about the platforms currently supported by MigrationWiz, click here.
I should also mention that migrations from Domino/Lotus Notes require a small “Lotus Extractor” to be installed on-premises. The extractor should be installed on a workstation and not your Domino servers themselves. MigrationWiz are also in the process of launching a new migration portal which is currently in beta and will support a couple of new migrations, namely:
  • Public Folder migrations
  • Storage migrations


These options look really promising, however I haven’t personally tested them (yet!). A list of items not migrated by MigrationWiz can be found here.

Dell On Demand Migration for Email is a relative newcomer to the online migration tools market, however I’m sure we can all agree that they (Quest Software) really set the standard for migration tools in general for a long time. I haven’t personally used Dell On Demand for any production migrations but have been meaning to try it out for some time now. Dell On Demand supports the following platforms:

Supported sources

Supported targets

Google Apps
Lotus Notes
Microsoft Exchange (2000+)
Microsoft Office 365
Novell GroupWise
Windows Live Hotmail
Microsoft Exchange (2010, 2013)
Microsoft Office 365

Dell has published a list of known issues and limitations.

Licensing and cost:

One of the great things about both these tools is that they are licensed on a consumption basis and there is no minimum purchase required. MigrationWiz offers a couple of different license options, with the difference being that a “Premium” license will allow you to perform multiple migration passes. I usually suggest purchasing the “Premium” license because this works really well with the “seed and cutover” type migrations I usually perform with these tools. With MigrationWiz, you purchase you license up front and each successfully migrated mailbox consumes one of those licenses. Their licensing is based on volume so the more licenses you purchase, the more you save. A basic license will cost you $9.99 (USD) while a premium license costs $11.99 (USD).


The Dell On Demand licensing model is somewhat simpler in the sense that they only have one license type. The difference is that you add your credit card details to the portal and they will bill you monthly for the amount of licenses you consume with each successfully migrated mailbox consuming one license and getting billed accordingly. Dell also appear to add an “Australia Tax” as the same license costs about 20% more when you pay in AUD, I always think this is a little cheeky, $1 or $2 could really add up if you are buying thousands of licenses. One license will cost you $11.00 (USD).



To configure MigrationWiz, you first create a “Mailbox Connector” which defines your source and target mailboxes as well as your migration credentials. You have the ability to use administrator credentials or end-user credentials configured per mailbox. If you have neither of these available, MigrationWiz also provides the ability to request credentials from each individual user. This is done via an email with a secure link in which the end-user may provide their credentials directly to the system.


Once you have created your “Mailbox Connector” you can import your mailbox list. If you have more than one mailbox to migrate, MigrationWiz provides a few methods of doing this.


I typically use .csv import. You can download a sample import file to get started (see sample below). If you are using administrator credentials for your migration, you only need to populate the “Source Email” and “Destination Email” fields. More information about migration flags can be found here. I once did a migration for a customer using end-user credentials where some of the users had commas “,” in their passwords and needless to say, this didn’t work very well with .csv files so be mindful of that.


Once all your mailboxes have been added, you have the ability to tweak many of the migration settings, like filtering, before beginning the migration process.


You now have the ability to migrate a few or all of the mailboxes you have imported. You will also be able to monitor the migration statistics while the migration is running. The MigrationWiz documentation is really helpful as well, for example if you need more information about migration credentials, see this link

The Dell On Demand configuration process is very similar, you start by creating a “Migration Plan” which defines your source and target mailboxes as well as your credentials. You have the ability to use administrator credentials or end-user credentials and the tool allows you to increase the number of concurrent mailbox migrations by adding additional administrator credentials. Each administrator can migrate 10 target mailboxes concurrently.


The next step is to import your mailboxes, this can be done via a .tsv file. A sample file is also provided for reference.


The final configuration step allows you to tweak the migration options


You are now ready to start migrating!

Migration Velocity:

As a consultant, one of the most common questions I get asked is “How long will my migration take?”. Unfortunately, this is a very difficult question to answer and the reality is, even with thorough testing and analysis, it is difficult to accurately predict how long a migration will take as every environment is different and migration velocity depends on so much more than just your network speeds. About 6 months ago, I helped a customer complete a migration from Exchange 2003 in one region to Exchange 2010 in another. They had a very tight deadline and it was a hard cut-off so there was no pushing the deadline. I did I whole bunch of calculations based on their source data size, connectivity, etc and in my mind there was no way we would be able to get all the data migrated in time so we started to prepare the business for that. We decided to use MigrationWiz for the migration and we ended up completing the entire migration with 4 full days to spare. Because we were prepared for the worst possible case, the entire team looked really good when we were able to pull it off successfully. I’m glad it didn’t end up going the other way and it just goes to show that there is always a small unknown factor that could change the amount of time taken for a migration to complete successfully.

It is usually a good idea to perform some test migrations using mailboxes that accurately represent those found in your environment. Using data from those migrations will go a long way to helping you predict your migration velocity. It is really handy to use some pilot user mailboxes for this because you will be able to perform multiple passes later on and not consume any additional licenses. MigrationWiz provides some guidance and a basic calculator here.

The results of the test migrations performed for this post are as follows:


Dell On Demand

Duration 16 hrs, 23 min 11 hrs, 0 min
Items Processed 26118 26286
Errors 0 13

The statistics above were taken from each migration tool. There are some discrepancies with the amount of items processed and the Dell tool reported some failures. Looking at the target mailbox used for the Dell On Demand migration, we see:


MigrationWiz provides a whole bunch of information about the migration, including some detailed statistics:


Dell On Demand provides an overview of the migration with some detailed logging:


I am perplexed by the large difference in migration duration. These migrations were run on random days of the week at roughly the same time so I’m not sure if it is a coincidence or not. I might re-do the MigrationWiz one sometime and see if it changes the duration.


MigrationWiz provides some nice charts at a mailbox level as well as some .csv reports at connector level for those who like to create their own reports in Excel.


Dell On Demand provides a summary and a migration details report which includes a .csv file containing all the errors that were encountered during the migration. The reports menu is “conveniently” hidden on the bottom right-hand side of the dashboard.



MigrationWiz has heaps of useful documentation, the knowledgebase is located here: https://migrationwiz.zendesk.com/forums and it seems they are moving their content to a SharePoint based library located here: https://community.bittitan.com/kb/SitePages/Knowledge%20Base.aspx?product=MigrationWiz

Dell On Demand has a user guide which is published here: http://documents.software.dell.com/On%20Demand%20Migration%20for%20Email/1.6/User%20Guide/

In Summary:

I think both are excellent tools which provide a wide range of options. Dell On Demand is targeted towards those organizations who are migrating to Microsoft Exchange while MigrationWiz supports other target platforms, like the ability to archive to Amazon S3. MigrationWiz has also recently added the ability to perform Public Folder and Storage migrations. Dell On Demand appears to have outperformed MigrationWiz when it comes to migration velocity, however I do find the MigrationWiz documentation to be superior.

How to perform a manual synchronisation with AADSync

I recently posted about the preview (CTP) of Azure Active Directory Sync Services (AADSync). There are a number of differences between AAADSync and DirSync, one of these being that the “DirSyncConfigShell.psc1” shell previously used to perform a manual synchronisation is not longer available. Instead, we can now use “DirSyncClientCmd.exe” which is located in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Azure AD Connection”


The syntax is really straightforward, you can perform either an “initial’ or “delta” synchronisation, e.g:

[shell]DirSyncClientCmd delta[/shell]


Using AD FS “Alternate Login ID” with Office 365

As Office 365 adoption continues to grow and more organisations are starting to take advantage of identity federation. One of the most common issues I’ve seen over the last couple of years when helping my clients adopt Office 365 services is the disconnect between user principal name (UPN), sAMAccountName (The user name typically used at logon) and the ‘mail’ attribute in Active Directory. There are many reasons for this and I won’t go into that in this post, but it is quite common to see one of the following scenarios:

  1. sAMAccountName = JSmith, UPN = JSmith@internal.local, Mail = John.Smith@domain.com
  2. sAMAccountName = ID123456, UPN = ID123456@internal.local, Mail = John.Smith@domain.com – I’ve seen this scenario quite often when working with .gov and .edu clients.

In the past, the typical recommendation is to add the public domain to the UPN suffix list and change the UPN for each user to match their email address. This causes much less confusion for end users as you won’t need to try and explain the different between their UPN and their email address even though they both appear to be the same.

*Update: I'd like to call out that implementing "Alternate Login ID" with an Exchange Hybrid deployment is not a good idea. Microsoft has the following warning posted on the TechNet wiki.


The April 2014 Windows Server 2012 R2 Update (KB 2919355) includes a new feature called “Alternate Login ID” which will allow you to configure an alternate attribute to be used to identify a user object in Active Directory. In other words, you can now use a different attribute, for example ‘mail’ during login instead of UPN.

This is great news for those organisations who use of employee ID or payroll numbers as their domain user names. As always, there are a few things to consider. In order for the authentication request to succeed, the attribute configured as the alternate login ID must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The attribute must be indexed.
  • The attribute must be in the global catalog.
  • The attribute must be a well-formed SMTP address and conform to the UPN rules outlined here.
  • The attribute must have a single value.
  • The CanonicalName attribute on the user object must be accessible to the service account that is used for AD FS.
  • The value of the alternate login ID attribute must be unique across all the forests that AD FS is configured to use when enabling this feature.

The configuration process is really simple as well, for example let’s assume we already have AD FS 3.0 implemented with Office 365. My test environment is configured as follows:

  • Internal AD domain name: lab365.com.au – NOT configured in Office 365
  • Public (SMTP) domain name: o365testlab.com – This domain is also configured in Office 365
  • sAMAccountName = ID123456, UPN = ID123456@lab365.com.au, Mail = John.Smith@o365testlab.com

We would like to allow our users to log in using their email addresses (‘mail’ attribute) instead of their UPN.



It is important to note that if you are not using a routable UPN suffix, you will most likely want to pre-configure the correct SMTP and SIP addresses for your user accounts before you synchronise them. This can be done via the “proxyAddresses” attribute of the user account:


Once the user has been synchronised to Azure AD and assigned the relevant licenses in Office 365 it should look something like:


To configure AD FS, the first thing to do is install the April 2014 Windows Server 2012 R2 Update (KB 2919355), this can easily be done via Windows Update:


Warning: There is a known issue with the April 2014 Windows Server 2012 R2 Update (KB 2919355) that may effect you if you are using Windows Server Update Services. Be sure to read KB 2959977 before installing this update in your environment. As always, planning and testing is very important!

Next, update the AD FS configuration by running the following PowerShell cmdlet on any of the federation servers in your farm, starting with the primary AD FS server in your farm, obviously you would need to adjust the “AlternateLoginID” and “LookupForests” parameters to suite your particular requirements:

[powershell]Set-AdfsClaimsProviderTrust -TargetIdentifier "AD AUTHORITY" -AlternateLoginID mail -LookupForests lab365.com.au[/powershell]

Next, we need to update one of our AD FS claims rules. We locate the “Microsoft Office 365 Identity Platform” relying party trust and edit issuance transform rule number 1:


The new rule should look like this:


Lastly, we need to update our DirSync attribute flow to ensure the correct attribute is synchronised. Run the miisclient.exe which can be located in "C:\Program Files\Windows Azure Active Directory Sync\SYNCBUS\Synchronization Service\UIShell”. Select the “Management Agents” tab, right-click to view the properties of “Active Directory Connector”. Under “Configure Attribute Flow”, expand “Object Type: user” and find the “Data Source Attribute” of “,sAMAccountName,userPrincipalName”. To edit it:

  1. Change the “Mapping Type” from “Advanced” to “Direct”
  2. Select the appropriate attribute (“mail” in my case) as the “Data source attribute”.

Ensure that the “Metaverse attribute” is set to “userPrincipalName” and click “Edit” and then “OK” to save your changes.


Once you have completed a successful synchronisation, you will be able to log into the Office 365 portal using your email address as login attribute.



I’d like to conclude this post with the following.. just because something is possible, it doesn't mean it should be done. Unless you have a very specific requirements and/or constraints, I would recommend using UPN as your login attribute even if this means having to go through the process of changing all your user UPNs. In most environments this change will have little or no effect on other systems and may be the best approach.

For more information on Alternate Login ID, see:

Azure Active Directory Sync Services - Kicking the “AADSync” tyres

Windows Azure Active Directory Sync (DirSync) has become synonymous with Office 365 in recent years and while DirSync isn’t a requirement, I haven’t seen any organisations consuming Office 365 services without it. In simple terms, DirSync can be used to synchronise local Active Directory objects to a Windows Azure Active Directory instance which is in turn leveraged by Office 365. After an initial synchronisation, DirSync runs on a schedule (typically, every three hours) to synchronise changes from the on-premises directory to the cloud instance.

The recent addition of password synchronisation to DirSync has made it even more useful and has been one of the many improvements to the tool (initially 32bit only!) which was released a few years ago. Unfortunately, DirSync still has some limitations especially when it comes to multi-forest scenarios. To help address the complexities associated with multi-forest  environments, Microsoft recently announced Azure Active Directory Sync Services (AADSync) which is currently in preview. AADSync is intended to significantly simplify the configuration required to synchronise multi-forest  environments.

I thought I’d take AADSync for a test drive and see what it is all about. At this point I should also mention that it is currently a preview (CTP) release and is not supported in production environments. There preview also has a few limitations:

  • AADSync preview can only use SQL Express LocalDB.
  • PasswordSync and password write-back are not currently supported.
  • Hybrid Exchange configuration is not currently supported.

The pre-requisites are really simple, you will need the following installed on Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 or 2012 R2:

  • .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.5.
  • PowerShell 3.0.

The installer will automatically install the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (msoidcli_64) which is really convenient as you can now be confident you will have the correct version installed.

As previously mentioned, this is a preview release and therefore the installation wizard is not yet strongly signed. It is therefore important that strong name signing is turned off on the server. The AADSync tool will NOT run if you do not perform this step, instead you will receive the following “DirectorySyncTool has stopped working” error with “Problem Event Name: APPCRASH”


To turn off strong name signing, simply use the included “sn.exe” utility and issue the following command:

[shell]sn -Vr *[/shell]


For more information about strong name signing and the sn.exe utility, see the following links:

The installation process is pretty simple as one would expect, before starting the process it is helpful to have the following information to hand:

  • Service account in AD (default read permissions will be sufficient)
  • An Azure Active Directory tenant (Office 365 for example)
  • Service account in your Azure AD (Global Administrator role required)



You will notice the option to add multiple forests. For more information about the multi-forest scenarios supported, see AADSync Scenario Overview. If you configure AADSync to join multiple forests, the default configuration will assume the following:

  • A user will have only one enabled user account and login information is taken from this forest.
  • A user will have only one Exchange mailbox.
  • The data quality for a user is best in the forest where Exchange is located.
  • If an Exchange mailbox is found, common user attributes are taken from this forest.


You can configure join rules which map to the supported scenarios mentioned above. In a single forest scenario, the default selection will create all users as individual objects in Azure AD and objects will not join in the metaverse. You also have the option to select the immutable attribute. It is important to note that the attribute selected must not change during the lifetime of the object, even if the object is moved between domains in a forest or between forests. If you are unsure, you are probably better off not changing the default selection.





Once completed, it successfully synchronised the 3000 accounts in my lab AD in about 25mins. The “DirSyncConfigShell.psc1” shell is not longer available and seems to have been replaced by “DirectorySyncClientCmd.exe”. I noticed a new PowerShell module which is great.

[powershell]Get-Command -Module PowerShellConfig[/powershell]


[powershell]Get-SynchronizationRule | Select Name, Direction[/powershell]


I also noticed a new “Synchronization Rules Editor”


Many of these configuration options are probably best left at their defaults unless you have a specific requirement or scenario. I expect to see more documentation become available closer to or at release, but in the meantime you can find the current official documentation here.